Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm so awesome at blogging

I know. Oh well, here are some shots of what we've been up to lately.

 Landon turned one!  My friend, April, made him an awesome banana cake with monkeys on top!

 Tom & I went to Venice for Carnivale

 The kids started playing REALLY well together
 We went to the local Carnivale parade in Aviano and threw confetti, sprayed silly string and ran around until the floats went by.

Jess, Me, Carrie & Shannon

 Landon finally started cuddling
 He also started stealing my Diet Dr Peppers out of the fridge
 And feeding himself
 Cheesing it up for the camera
 Makayla told her mom (shannon) that she looked like the cow on the milk carton the day before shannon had her baby. 
 B started and fell in love with ballet

 Tom & I even got a few nights out (quite the feat considering the crazy actions of one crazy man in a country a little south of us)
 We colored eggs at Easter

 Had parties
 Discovered how difficult it is to get 2 kids to look at the camera and smile at the same time

Brighton said goodbye to her friend Carlie who moved to Korea

Well, that takes us up through April!