Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Becca's Belly

I know, it's been awhile. But, Brighton and I went out of town for a couple weeks, and then a day after we came back, my brother Josh and sister Shauna came to visit us. Josh left on Monday and Shauna leaves tonight, so I'm trying to post some and will finish posting all the pictures tomorrow (hopefully).
MOST IMPORTANTLY, HERE ARE PICTURES OF BECCA'S INFAMOUS BELLY. Now, Becca swore she would not post pictures of her belly....but I didn't!! And, I live hundreds of miles away, so there's nothing she can do about it! So there! Now, without further ado...the belly.


Shaina said...

haha! I love it! Well done. You should see if the Star or Enquirer have Phoenix branches you could do some free-lance work for them!

Becca Bell said...

Thanks Sarah!!! Now it's all out there and there's nothing I can do about it!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA