Sunday, March 23, 2008

How do I

Alright, how do I change my background WITHOUT erasing all of my friends links? Someone PLEASE tell me!


Shaina said...

I don't know, I've only changed the background once and had to add in all my links again. If you find out though let me know!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know how to change my background so you are a step ahead of me:)

Shaina said...

I think I got! I spent way too much of my company's time trying to figure it out, but I think I finally got it. Go here and there are instructions to follow. They're easy enough to read, even if you'd think someone writing on blog layout would have his own looking a lot better. Whatever. Link:

Unknown said...

These are the ones I use. I tried the one you have but almost lost everything. She uses an actual blogger template and has tons of side bar stuff.

Becca Bell said...

You really need to get your computer up and running so that you can update your blog!!! Fortunately for you, you have a good excuse to be really far behind in posting! :~D