You know how they always say "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"? This is very true, UNLESS of course you're from Phoenix, and the absence was due to a weekend trip to San Diego! It was a glorious weekend, maxing out at 85 degrees! And then we came back. And now we're back to 110 and my heart is definitely NOT fonder! (Side note, I'm not saying I hate Phoenix, I love it here, I'll just love it more when it's not so blazing hot all the time.)
4 months ago
Quit being a whimp:) Just kidding I know the heat really does suck. Well I'm trying to do better with blogging but this time instead of posting I'm going to look at other peoples blogs!! YEAH!! Brighton is so cute, and I love the viedo. Take care
Welcome back....I actually just got back too from was great! GET READY FOR TWILIGHT!! The biting starts at 8!! Haha!
Right on Pretty Mama! I'm with you all the way. I hate this stinkin' heat!!!!!
yeah I wasn't any fonder of work when I got back from vacation. Whoever first said that quote didn't consider all the possibilities before they spoke.
Quit rubbing it in already! But yea Gabe and I love San Diego too. We go every summer. I can hardly wait to go to Maryland next week and get away from the weather. Could this summer be any longer????
Too hot indeed. My brother and sis-in-law live in Anthem. Not exagerating,she and the kiddos pack up and leave for 1 month every summer and stay with her parents in Utah to escape the heat.
have fun in Italy!
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