Saturday, January 24, 2009

F-16 Graduation

So I can now officially say that my husband is an F-16 fighter pilot. We had Tom's graduation last night and everything went great...once we got there! We had all sorts of green carpet events that day (red carpet but since they're the Emerald Knights, it's green carpet) and were done at 2:30. I'd made a hair appointment at 3 (I can pull my hair back in a ponytail, that's about it) and was having my makeup done at 4:30, so I had plenty of time. Well, when I walked in to the salon, the girl said they didn't have any appointments writen down for that day so I had to wait 45 minutes. So, now I didn't even get to sit down until 3:45 and had to someone get an up-do done by 4:15 to make it back home by 4:30. Yeah right. The girl did a great job at doing my hair as quickly as she good (I think it still turned out great) and I got out of there at 4:45. Then it took 12 minutes to get home due to construction on Camelback. So I walk in and get "The Look" from Tom - he's not mad but concerned about us being late. Cocktails started at 5 and dinner was at 6. Frantically rushing trying to get ready would be an understatement. Add on top of that a one year old who wants to be right where all the action is - awesome. Tina did an AWESOME job with my makeup and managed to do it in only 15 minutes!! We made it out of there at 5:38 and got to the hangar at 5:49 - so we weren't late!! It was a crazy rush, but we weren't late and so it was fine. Our speaker was really good, dinner was typical club food (not so good) and we had a fun time. We brought Tom's parents home after dinner so Tina could go home and then we went back to the O Club for drinks with everyone. Like I said, it was a great night once we got there! Congratulations Tom on graduating and becoming an official Fighter Pilot!! So hot!!
The guys - Ryan, Kruntje, Tommy, Tim, Tom, Frank, Bailey and Eric

My hot husband the fighter pilot

Tom's parents came down for graduation
Me and Cherrill

Jayme Lee - this is my gym partner, one of the main reasons I've lost weight. She watches Brighton while I work out then I watch her daughter Anna Lisa while she works out. It's harder to not go to the gym when someone's counting on you to watch their kid!

By the way, Tom received an award yesterday. He received the Top Flier Award - all around best pilot. I know, he's awesome.


N Godown said...

Look at those 2 HOTTIES! You guys look great! Congrats Tom! Sounds like a fun night.....once you got there. :)

Brea said...

Sarah you look beautiful! Congrats to you and Tom what on great accomplishment!!

*Lindsey* said...

Congrats to Tom. Thats awesome!!! And what a lucky pilot to have such a hot wife.

Unknown said...

Yeah!! We are so excited for you guys, that is great!! And before you even said anything about going to the gym I noticed how great you looked!! Great job keep up the good work.

Jenny Roberts said...

Woohoo! Way to go Tom.

Unknown said...

I am in love with your dress! You are looking really good.

Curios George's said...

So i have to say you really look so pretty! Congrats Tom you rock! You guys look so cute...